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Onomatopoeia: Animal sounds in French

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It’s crazy how many different ways you can transcribe the same sound! The fact that animal sounds are often represented by strikingly different words in different languages illustrates this perfectly.

I’m ready to bet French ducks say more or less the same thing as American or Australian ducks, but in French you refer to this sound as coin coin instead of “quack quack”. It’s not only interesting to see these differences, knowing them can also come in handy from time to time – such as while reading a French comic book (highly recommended!) or a novel set on a farm (no kidding).

Frenchanted’s list also gives you the French equivalent of the given animal, so it’s going to prove useful even if you’re not in the middle of the French version of Animal Farm.

These words are called onomatopoeias, or onomatopées in French. Behind the “can’t pronounce this on the first try” look resides a simple concept: these are words that mimic sounds, meaning that their written form reflects the sound itself.

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  1. Bird sounds in French
    1. Rooster
    2. Hen
    3. Duck
    4. Goose
    5. Owl
    6. Crow
    7. Cuckoo
    8. Small bird
  2. Cat sounds
  3. Dog sounds
  4. Horse sounds
  5. Donkey
  6. Cow/ bull
  7. Sheep
  8. Goat
  9. Boar, pig
  10. Frog
  11. Snake
  12. Insects
    1. Cicada
    2. Bee, mosquito, fly
  13. Mouse
  14. Lion
  15. Wolf

Bird sounds in French

Rooster sound in French

rooster = le coq

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
cocoricocri du coqthe crow of a rooster

Hen sound in French

hen = la poule

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
cot cotcri de la poulethe sound of a hen

Duck sound in French

duck = le canard

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
coin coincri du canardthe sound of a duck

Goose sound in French

goose = l’oie (f)

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
coucoucri du coucouthe sound of a cuckoo

Owl sound in French

owl = le hibou OR la chouette (check out our article on the difference between the two – hint: they do not denote the hen and the male!)

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
hou houhululement d’une chouette, d’un hibouhooting/ the sound of an owl

Crow sound in French

crow = le courbeau

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
croâ cri du corbeaucaw of a crow

Cuckoo sound in French

cuckoo = le coucou

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
ca carcri de l’oiehonking/ the sound of a goose

Small bird sounds in French

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
couiccri d’un petit animalchirping/tweeting (or: the squeaking of a mouse)
cui cuipépiement de l’oiseauchirping, tweeting of a young bird
piou pioucri du poussinsound of a chick/ peep

Cat sounds, dog sounds in French

Cat sounds in French

cat = le chat

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
miaoumiaulement du chatmiaowing, the sound made by a cat
ron ronronronnement du chatpurring sound made by a cat

Dog sounds in French

dog = le chien

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
waf/ wouaf/ wouf / ouafaboiement du chienthe sound of a dog barking
kaï kaïglapissement du chienthe sound of a dog yelping
ahou/ ahouahou hurlement du chienthe sound of a dog howling

Horse, donkey, sheep, cow, pig sounds in French

Horse sounds in French

horse = le cheval

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
hiiihennissement du chevalneigh, whinny/ the sound of a horse neighing
cataclop cataclop/ tagada tagadabruit de sabotsthe sound of hooves

Donkey sound in French

donkey = l’âne (m)

male donkey: l’âne (m) – female donkey: l’ânesse (f)

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
hi hanbraiement de l’ânebraying, the sound a donkey makes

Cow/ bull sound in French

cow = la vache

bull = le taureau

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
meuh/ mhh/ muumugissement de la vache/ du taureaumooing/ the bellowing sound made by a cow or a bull

Sheep and goat sounds in French

Note: Although we’d argue that sheep and goats make different sounds, the French language doesn’t discriminate between them. The onomatopoeias used to desccribe sheep and goat sounds are the same. Keep scrolling to take a look at the table.

sheep = le mouton

male sheep: le bélier or le mouton

female sheep: la brebis

Goat sound in French

goat = la chèvre

male goat/ billy goat: le bouc

female goat: la chèvre

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
bê, bé, bè, beeee/ mêbêlement du mouton ou de la chèvrebleating, sound of a sheep/ goat

Boar sound, pig sound in French

boar = le sanglier

pig = le cochon

male pig: le cochon

a female pig/ sow: la cochonne, la truie

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
groin groin grognement du cochon/ sanglierthe sound a pig/ boar makes

Frog sound in French

frog = la grenouille

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
coacri de la grenouillecroak/ the sound the frog makes

Snake sound in French

snake = le serpent

  • Kss/ Ssssss = sifflement du serpent = the hissing sound of a snake
OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
kss/ ssssssifflement du serpenthissing/ the sound a snake makes

Insect sounds in French


cicada = la cigale

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
Crii crii criicri de la cigalethe sound a cicada makes

Bee, mosquito, fly: buzzing sound in French

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
zzzbourdonnement d’abeille, de moustique, de mouche…the buzzing of a bee/ a mosquito/ a fly

Other animal sounds in French

Mouse sound in French

mouse = la souris

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
couiccri d’un petit animal, par ex. une sourissqueak of a small animal, i.e. squeak of a mouse (or a little bird)

Lion sounds in French

lion = le lion

lioness = la lionne

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
grr/ roah/ roaaar/ raaah!rugissementroar of a lion/ other big cat

Wolf sound in French

wolf = le loup

male wolf = le loup

the she-wolf = la louve

OnomatopoeiaFrench description of soundEnglish description
ouuuh, aouuuhhurlement du louphowling, the sound a wolf makes

And if you’d like to go further, check out this huge database of animal sounds in French.

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