Spices are said to be the heart of a dish. The act of shunning spices from your happily simmering pot will most likely produce a flavourless meal – and if it doesn’t, you’ll still have a hard time convincing me it wouldn’t taste twice as good with the addition of some aromatic herbs or spices. You’ll simply need them for a tasty lunch or dinner, which also means they are kind of important. That, in turn, means you kind of have to know them in French. Right?
For an epic cooking and baking glossary concentrating on verbs and kitchen activities in French (with example sentences!), click here. |
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- General words connected to spices
- Spices mainly used in savory dishes in French
- Spices mainly used in desserts in French
- Most common spice mixes in French
- Most-used sauces and salad dressings in French
- Verbs, adjectives, and nouns connected to spices in French
- Bonus: The benefits of spices in French
1. General words connected to spices
- l’épice (f) = spice
- l’herbe (f) aromatique = aromatic herb (such as mint, rosemary, fennel…)
- les épices salées = savoury spices
- les épices douces = sweet spices
- le placard à épices = spice cupboard / spice cabinet
- le mortier = mortar
2. Spices mainly used in savory dishes in French
- l’aneth (m) = dill
- l’origan (m) = oregano
- le cayenne / poivre de Cayenne = cayenne pepper
- la cardamome = cardamom
- la citronelle = lemongrass
- la coriandre = cilantro (coriander)
- le laurier / les feuilles (f) de laurier = bay leaves (Note: the word laurier can also mean the tree itself!)
- la marjolaine = marjoram
- la menthe (poivrée) = peppermint
- la noix de muscade / la muscade = nutmeg
- la sarriette = savory
- le basilic = basil
- le cumin = cumin
- le curcuma = turmeric
- le fenouil = fennel
- le fenugrec = fenugreek
- le genièvre = juniper
- le paprika = paprika powder
- le persil = parsley
- le piment = chili, chili pepper
- le poivre de Sichuan rouge = Sichuan pepper
- le poivre noir = black pepper
- le romarin = rosemary
- le safran = saffron
- le thym = thyme
- la truffe = truffle (both as a mushroom/spice and as chocolate)
- le quatre-épices / le piment de la Jamaïque = allspice

3. Spices mainly used in desserts in French
- les épices sucrées = sweet spices
- la badiane = star anise
- la cannelle = cinnamon
- la vanille (pronounced [vanij]) = vanilla
- la gousse de vanille = vanilla bean
- le clou de girofle = clove
- le gingembre = ginger
4. Most common spice mixes in French
- le mélange cinq épices chinois = Chinese five spice powder mix
- le curry/ le cari = curry (Note: the two names are interchangeable)
- les herbes de Provence (thym, romarin, sarriette, origan, lavande) = herbes de Provence mix
- le mélange d’épices à citrouille = pumpkin spice mix

5. Most-used sauces and salad dressings in French
- la sauce Caesar = Caesar dressing
- la vinaigrette mille-îles = thousand island dressing
- la vinagrette Grecque = greek salad dressing
- la marinade = marinade
6. Verbs, adjectives, and nouns connected to spices
We’ve given you a list of the most useful French spice and herb names above. If you do some cooking more than twice a year, it would probably be a good idea to pick your favorites and memorize them.
This will be useful when cooking French recipes as your language skills get better and better – which is inevitable if you dedicate a small part of your day/week regularly to studying French.
If you do even more cooking than that, though, a couple extra words might come in handy. That’s because spices come in different shapes and forms: they can be dried, ground or powdered, chopped… the list goes on. And this is how you express those things in French: |
- fresh ginger = gingembre frais
- chopped basil = basilic haché
- dried parsley = le persil séché
- whole coriander seeds = coriandre en grains
- ground cumin = le cumin moulu
- freshly ground pepper = poivre fraîchement moulu
- garlic powder = ail (m) en poudre
- a sprig of rosemary = un brin de romarin

7. Bonus: The benefits of spices in French
Many spices offer health benefits. This is how to say those in French:
- améliorer la digestion = to improve digestion
- être anti-inflammatoire = to be anti-inflammatory
- avoir un effet désinfectant / être antiseptique = to be antiseptic
- être riche en antioxydants = to be rich in antioxidants